God the Father sent His Son to earth because He is seeking worshippers (John 4:23) — worshippers purified by the blood of Christ and indwelt by the Holy Spirit. New Life Presbyterian Church exists primarily to gather together and worship our Triune God. Every other aspect of church life flows from and is informed by our regular Sunday worship service. It is in worship where we publicly acknowledge God’s Lordship over our lives and all things, giving to Him the praise He deserves. And it is in worship where we are cleansed by the Lord’s grace, changed through the reading and preaching of His Word, and called to communion with Him and one another as we observe the Lord’s Supper.
New Life Presbyterian Church is a self-consciously Reformed and confessional church. That means that our church officers, as well as our denomination, are cheerfully committed to the Westminster Confession of Faith (along with its Larger and Shorter Catechisms) as an accurate summary of the teachings of Scripture. Our Confession of Faith does not replace God’s Word; but it is used as a necessary doctrinal boundary system that helps keep us faithful to the Bible. In fact, it is because of the Reformed tradition’s love for the Scriptures that the preaching and teaching of the Bible are some of our highest priorities at New Life Presbyterian Church.
The word fellowship means many things to many people in our day. For some, fellowship is thought to automatically occur anytime Christians gather together, especially to eat. In older times, however, people spoke of fellowship not in terms of events, but as a description of a group of people who were committed to a common cause. New Life Presbyterian Church strives to be a fellowship in that older sense, committed to the common cause of Christ and His Kingdom. It is our desire to mutually benefit one another through encouragement in our Christian walks. Events and occasions that strengthen such bonds are of great importance to the life of our church.